
Parenting – A Full-Time Job

It is much easier to learn how to be a good parent under the guidance of a paediatrician.
The birth of a child is a great reason of joy for any family. At the same time, however, it also triggers important daily life changes. Apart from the immense joy it brings, a newborn also supposes a number of responsibilities that can be quite a challenge, especially in the beginning. Starting from breastfeeding, which is a technique that must be learnt, or, as the case may be, formula feeding, continuing with the diversification, the monitoring of the growth and development parameters, the bathing and the massage, all these things, which initially seem quite impossible, are easier to cope with if you call LaurusMedical specialists, experienced paediatricians, who will accompany every step of the way in your new parenting job.

Haemorrhoid Treatment By Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a fixative procedure generally recommended for small type I or II internal haemorrhoids. Sclerotherapy supposes the use of a sclerosing agent, which scars the inflamed tissue, thus reducing the blood flow towards the haemorrhoid and attenuating both the cause and the symptoms of the haemorrhoids.
The conditions justifying the use of this method are specific. For instance, physicians will recommend the use of sclerotherapy in the case of patients who do not respond to home treatment or in the cases of internal haemorrhoids where another fixative procedure, called rubber-band ligation, is not suitable. Considering that rubber-band ligation requires that the haemorrhoids are large enough to allow for rubber-band ligation, sclerotherapy is used for small haemorrhoids.
Sclerotherapy is also recommendable for bleeding haemorrhoids or in the case of patients whose held condition does not allow for invasive treatment methods, such as haemorrhoidectomy. Sclerotherapy is not recommended for prolapsed or external haemorrhoids, which require intensive surgery.

Hemorrhoid Treatment Generalities

Most hemorrhoidal cases may be treated by simple diet changes and intestinal transit improvement. Most cases do not require surgery or other treatments, except if the hemorrhoids are very large and painful. The purpose of the non-surgical hemorrhoid treatments, also called fixative procedures, is to reduce the blood supply to the hemorrhoid so it shrinks or goes away. The scar that forms in that site supports the anal tissue and helps prevent the reoccurrence of hemorrhoids.
Fixative procedures include rubber band ligation (hemorrhoid ligature using rubber rings) or the use of electricity, laser or heat to scar the tissue (coagulation therapy).
Surgery (hemorrhoidectomy) may be used in the case of large internal hemorrhoids associated to the presence of a few small hemorrhoids or in case the bleeding could not be controlled through treatment. Sometimes a combination of these procedures (e.g., a fixative procedure and a hemorrhoidectomy) is the most efficient hemorrhoid treatment.

Haemorrhoid Surgery

Most types of haemorrhoids do not require surgery, which only represents an option in case of intensive pain.
External Haemorrhoids:
External haemorrhoids are not generally treated by haemorrhoidectomy, except for the case of very large haemorrhoids or if you underwent an surgical intervention in the anal area for other conditions (such as internal haemorrhoids or anal fissures).


Haemorrhoidectomy is the surgical resection of the haemorrhoids. General anaesthesia or raquianaesthesia is used to avoid pain. The incisions are performed in the tissue surrounding the haemorrhoids. The protruding haemorrhoid vein is ligated to prevent bleeding, and the haemorrhoid is excised. The surgical plague may be sutured or left open. Sterile dressing is applied onto the wound. The surgical intervention may be performed with a knife, a power tool (electrocautery tool) or using laser devices.
There is a procedure using circular stapling to excise the haemorrhoids and suture the wound, without any incision. Through this procedure, the haemorrhoid is lifted and stapled back into the anal canal. This procedure is referred to as haemorrhoidopexy. People opting for this method may experience less pain than those opting for the traditional intervention, but it is, however, more costly and involves a higher relapse risk.